Permits a bicyclist to proceed through an intersection from a right turn only lane if they cannot safely merge into the thru traffic lane, provided they signal intention to merge left. Permits a bicyclist to proceed in a right turn only lane when approaching an intersection, even if they do not intend to turn right, provided that they do not pass a stopped vehicle and that they exercise reasonable safety when passing a moving vehicle.
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Why we support this: SB2299 will ‘legalize’ a common and safe traffic movement [cyclists proceeding straight ahead in a marked /signed right turn lane] that many bicyclists have to utilize on roadways that do not provide for a dedicated marked bike lane or bike box approaching an intersection.
Additionally, this change also helps improve pedestrian safety by shifting more cyclist traffic from utilizing sidewalks at arterial intersections.
Update: Report adopted; Passed Second Reading, as amended (SD 1) and referred to Judicial