To build the plan, the City & County Department of Transportation Services sought public response through public meetings, online surveys, and a map tool where over 1,000 comments and suggestions were made on improving our island's bikeway network. There are currently 205 miles of existing bikeways on O'ahu. The O'ahu Bike Plan Draft proposes "an addition of 577 miles of bicycle facilities (including 327 miles of City facilities budgeted at about $152 million)" to connect our neighborhoods. The plan goes into detail some of the concerns made by local 'cyclists and ways to encourage more bicycle riders.
You can read the O'ahu Bike Plan and use the interactive map to view the proposed bikeway network.
Biki ranked 6th as most used bikeshare system within the U.S. We climbed up two spots from #8 in 2017! - National Association of City Transportation Officials - "Shared Mobility Report"
The O'ahu Bike Plan addresses common areas of concern from survey participants. The O'ahu Bike Plan vision is to create a bikeways system that is accessible to all levels, skills, and ages. Nationally, most community members who have been surveyed, are considered to be "Interested but Concerned" riders. Within our own 2018 Biki member study, 70% of members did not consider themselves to be 'cyclists.
Now that the O'ahu Bike Plan has been published, we need to keep the wheels rolling! The O'ahu Bike Plan suggests an additional 577 miles of bikeways be included on O'ahu's public infrastructure. Through community engagement we can ensure the O'ahu Bike Plan becomes a reality.
Drafted by the City & County Department of Transportation Services, "The focus of this 2019 O’ahu Bike Plan Update is to identify specific projects, policies, and programs that will expand bicycle ridership and provide a network of safe, comfortable bikeways suitable to users of all ages and abilities." p.8