O’ahu Bike Plan Update – 2019


Takeaways from the Oahu Bike Plan

The main goals of the O'ahu Bike Plan are:

  1. To increase the mode share of bicycle trips
  2. To enhance cooperation between roadways users
  3. To encourage and promote bicycling as a safe, convenient, and pleasurable means of travel
  4. To be recognized by the League of American Bicyclists as a gold level bicycle friendly community


To build the plan, the City & County  Department of Transportation Services sought public response through public meetings, online surveys, and a map tool where over 1,000 comments and suggestions were made on improving our island's bikeway network.  There are currently 205 miles of existing bikeways on O'ahu. The O'ahu Bike Plan Draft proposes "an addition of 577 miles of bicycle facilities (including 327 miles of City facilities budgeted at about $152 million)"  to connect our neighborhoods. The plan goes into detail some of the concerns made by local 'cyclists and ways to encourage more bicycle riders.



You can read the O'ahu Bike Plan and use the interactive map to view the proposed bikeway network.

p.49 Proposed Bikeways in the Honolulu Urban Core



  1. Commit to Vision Zero - aiming to reduce traffic fatalities to zero
  2. Develop seamless connections between bikes and transit
  3. Expand encouragement and education efforts
  4. Establish a comprehensible bikeway maintenance program
  5. Implement a consistent signage and wayfinding program
  6. Evaluate bicycle facilities and programs


The O'ahu Bike Plan addresses common areas of concern from survey participants. The O'ahu Bike Plan vision is to create a bikeways system that is accessible to all levels, skills, and ages. Nationally, most community members who have been surveyed, are considered to be "Interested but Concerned" riders. Within our own 2018 Biki member study, 70% of members did not consider themselves to be 'cyclists. 


  1. Safety - One of the primary reasons survey respondents either do not ride or ride less frequently is due to safety concerns. Connecting our bike lanes, adding signage, and educating the community can all be used to encourage more cyclists on the roads.
  2. Gaps within the Network - There are numerous areas of the bicycle network that are not connected. The missed connections can create a sense of insecurity for bicyclists who are interested in cycling but have concerns. For example, one main concern in town is the end of Ala Wai Blvd. The bike lane disappears yards before the McCully bridge, forcing 'cyclists to fend for themselves at the busy intersection.  For these gaps, we should remind cyclists that they have the right to take up the lane if they feel more comfortable within the lane.
  3. Aloha on the roads - As the saying goes, "Slow down, this ain't the mainland!" Both 'cyclists and drivers should commute with more awareness for our surroundings. The goal of 'Vision Zero" is to prevent all traffic-related fatalities, that requires everyone to be more friendly on the road... and off their phones!


Now that the O'ahu Bike Plan has been published, we need to keep the wheels rolling! The O'ahu Bike Plan suggests an additional 577 miles of bikeways be included on O'ahu's public infrastructure. Through community engagement we can ensure the O'ahu Bike Plan becomes a reality.


A few ways to advocate for bicycling: 

  1. Read the O'ahu Bike Plan for yourself and decide what paths you feel are the most valuable to your commute.
  2. Join the Hawaii Bicycling League Bike Advocacy Team 
  3. Attend your monthly Neighborhood Board Meeting. Use your voice to share safety concerns or routes that you believe need oversight. Neighborhood Boards consist of community members, city officials, and elected representatives. 
  4. Encourage your Family/Friends/Neighbors to bicycle. HBL hosts FREE monthly bicycling workshops to encourage more riders.
  5. Encourage hesitant riders to use low-stress riding paths such as the Lei of Parks, Pearl Harbor Historical Trail, Civic Center Path, and the Ke Ala Pupukea Bike Path to build confidence in riding and experience the benefits of cycling. 
  6. Download the Honolulu 311 App, Call into the Pothole Hotline (768-7777), or fill out the Honolulu Pothole Request Form to report unsafe road conditions.
  7. Be more vocal on social media about our bicycling community and safety needs!
Screenshot of 2019 "O'ahu Bike Plan Update Proposed Bikeway Network" Interactive Map Website


Drafted by the City & County Department of Transportation Services, "The focus of this 2019 O’ahu Bike Plan Update is to identify specific projects, policies, and programs that will expand bicycle ridership and provide a network of safe, comfortable bikeways suitable to users of all ages and abilities." p.8 

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